Brittle Blade
All items (71)
- Blade's Boots of Shattered Souls
- Blade's Boots of the Black Arts
- Blade's Boots of the Firebringer
- Blade's Bracers of Shattered Souls
- Blade's Bracers of the Black Arts
- Blade's Bracers of the Firebringer
- Blade's Breeches of the Grim Cabal
- Blade's Deathmask of Malice
- Blade's Jerkin of Malice
- Blade's Leggings of Charred Earth
- Blade's Leggings of the Hidden Tomb
- Blade's Mask of the Battlethrall
- Blade's Mask of the Silent Kill
- Blade's Tunic of Arcane Death
- Blade's Tunic of the Battlethrall
- Blade's Tunic of the Silent Kill
- Blade's Veil of Arcane Death
- Brew of Acute Brawn
- Shawl of the Departed
- Stalker's Arm-straps of the Battlethrall
- Stalker's Armbands of Arcane Death
- Stalker's Armbands of the Silent Kill
- Stalker's Belt of Shattered Souls
- Stalker's Belt of the Black Arts
- Stalker's Belt of the Firebringer
- Stalker's Fauld of Malice
- Stalker's Leggings of Arcane Death
- Stalker's Leggings of the Battlethrall
- Stalker's Leggings of the Silent Kill
- Stalker's Mask of Shattered Souls
- Stalker's Mask of the Firebringer
- Stalker's Spauld of Malice
- Stalker's Veil of the Black Arts
- Strangler's Boots of Arcane Death
- Strangler's Boots of Malice
- Strangler's Boots of the Battlethrall
- Strangler's Boots of the Silent Kill
- Strangler's Bracers of Arcane Death
- Strangler's Bracers of the Battlethrall
- Strangler's Bracers of the Silent Kill
- Strangler's Gloves of Creeping Death
- Strangler's Gloves of Shattered Souls
- Strangler's Gloves of the Black Arts
- Strangler's Gloves of the Firebringer
- Strangler's Tunic of Creeping Death
- Strangler's Tunic of Shattered Souls
- Strangler's Tunic of the Black Arts
- Strangler's Tunic of the Firebringer
- Strangler's Wristbands of Malice
- Thug's Arm-straps of the Firebringer
- Thug's Armbands of Shattered Souls
- Thug's Armbands of the Black Arts
- Thug's Belt of Arcane Death
- Thug's Belt of Malice
- Thug's Belt of the Battlethrall
- Thug's Belt of the Silent Kill
- Thug's Fauld of Creeping Death
- Thug's Gloves of Arcane Death
- Thug's Gloves of Malice
- Thug's Gloves of the Battlethrall
- Thug's Gloves of the Silent Kill
- Thug's Leggings of Shattered Souls
- Thug's Leggings of the Black Arts
- Thug's Leggings of the Firebringer
- Thug's Straps of Creeping Death