

This Feat Tree is available to all classes within the Rogue archetype (Assassin, Barbarian, and Ranger).

Feat Ranks Tier Requirements Description
Toughness 5 2 - Increases the rogue's physical resistance rating.
Subtlety 3 2 - The rogue's strikes have less chance of attracting a foe's ire, making them break off from another target and attacking the rogue.
Keen Senses 1 2 - Substantially reduces the reuse time of the Search ability.
Natural Protection 5 2 - Increases the rogue's elemental resistance ratings.
Acrobat 3 3 - Increases the rogue's evasion rating.
Mountaineer 2 3 - Improves the team's climbing ability and reduces the damage inflicted by falls to the rogue.
Swift Shadows 3 3 - Increases the rogue's movement rate while they are using their stealth abilities.
Concealment 2 3 - Slightly increases the stealth rating of their team.
Distraction 3 3 - Reduces the hate generated by the blows of any team mates not in Defensive Stance, making it less likely for targets to break off and engage their attackers.
Wiles 1 4 - Grants a special ability that makes the target less likely to break off and attack the rogue.
Ambush 1 4 - If used against a minion it is instantly killed. The stealthed rogue must briefly wait before attacking.
Excellent Balance 5 1 - Grants the rogue an ability which gives them a substantial chance to resist knockdown.
Quick Recovery 1 4 - The rogue instantly recovers stamina after being knocked back in melee.
Agile Mind 3 5 - Grants a special ability which gives them a substantial chance to escape fear or charm effects.
Brutality 3 5 - Grants the rogue a special ability which increases the chance of their team performing fatalities.
Endurance 5 5 - Reduces the reuse time of the Second Wind ability.
Second Wind 1 5 - Gives a short duration but substantial stamina boost. Takes a moderate amount of time to refresh.
Escape Artist 3 5 - Grants the rogue an ability which gives them a substantial chance to escape snares that slow movement and root effects that prevent movement.
Trickery 1 6 - Grants the rogue a special ability which confuses the target, resetting their target priorities.
Cheat The Reaper 2 6 - The rogue has a slight chance of cheating death when killed, instantly restoring them. This ability takes a long time to refresh.


The Berserker feat tree is more targeted towards Two-Handed weapons that the Barbarian may wield. It is also targeted more towards PvP combat.

Feat Ranks Tier Requirements Description
Blood Rage 5 1 - Grants the barbarian the Blood Rage Stance that increases the damage inflicted upon foes and enemy attacks have a chance of increasing the barbarians rate of life regeneration and evade chance. The health effect can be applied three times.
Atrocity 5 2 - Increases the chance of Blood Rage and Reaver effects occuring by 20/40/60/80/100%.
Great Weapons Master 5 2 - Increases the damage done by two-handed edged and two-handed blunt weapons.
Shock and Awe 3 3 - Reduces the reuse time for Stunning Punch and Clobber combos.
Staggering Punch 3 3 - Improves the Stunning Punch combos by adding an effect that also reduces the victims movement speed.
Reverse Swing 5 3 - Augments the Staggering Blow combo by increasing the damage the barbarian inflicts.
Paralysis 1 3 - Enhances the Knock Back combo starters by adding an effect that roots the target for 1 second. This effect does not trigger immunity.
Eyes of Madness 3 4 - Grants the barbarian an ability that makes all foes in vicinity less likely to focus their attacks on them.
Insanity 3 4 - Permanently increases the barbarian's resistance to fear effects.
Grisly Wounds 5 4 - Augments the Jagged Cut and Butcher combos by adding more damage over time.
No Escape 1 5 - Grants you a clickable ability that allows you to throw your weapon to impale the enemy, causing massive damage over time and stunning him. This ability disarms you for a period of time.
Earthshatter 1 5 - This mighty combo stuns all foes in close vicinity.
Finishing Blow 3 5 - Grants the barbarian a charge ability available after they knock back an enemy. Their charge causes severe damage but has a high stamina cost and long reuse time.
Arcane Marauder 5 6 - When hit by spell damage you gain natural health regeneration and drain mana from enemies around you.
Unstable Mind 3 6 - Grants the barbarian an ability which removes all stun, snare and root effects and gives them immunity for a short period of time.
Swarm Fighter 5 6 - Grants the Barbarian an ability that taunts all minions in the area for a short period of time. Every attack from a minion will trigger a heal when the ability is active.
Hammer and Anvil 5 7 - Enhances Stunning Punch combo by increasing the damage it inflicts.
Fearsome Agility 5 7 - When hit in combat there is a chance to gain a short evade buff. This can stack up to 5 times.
Rampage 5 7 - When hit in combat you will occasionally damage every enemy around you for a small amount.
Comatose 2 8 - Enhances Stunning Punch combo by increasing the amount of time the victim is stunned for.
Rampaging Horde 5 8 Hammer and Anvil Grants the barbarian an ability that increases their damage rating based on the number of friendly barbarians within range. Maximum number counted is ten.
Scatter Foes 3 8 - Grants the barbarian a combo that will knock back all foes in a wide cone in front of them.
Decapitation 5 8 - A swift combo that inflicts massive damage and increases the chance for fatality. Has a moderate reuse time.
Welcoming Death 1 9 Rampaging Horde Grants you a clickable effect that increases the damage you inflict upon your target based on the number of dead foes in range. Maximum number counted is ten.
Thirst for Blood 1 9 Decapitation Grants you a clickable ability that affects the whole team. Each attack a party member performs, or is the victim of, has a chance to trigger an effect that increases the damage inflicted upon foes. It also increases health and stamina regeneration.


The Reaver feat tree is more targeted towards Dual Wielding weapons that the Barbarian may wield. Also, this feat tree is more targeted towards PvE combat.

Feat Ranks Tier Requirements Description
Reaver Stance 5 1 - Stance that increases the damage inflicted upon foes.It also gives a chance to trigger an effect that increase damage even further. The effect can stack 3 times.
Blitz 5 2 - Grants the barbarian an ability allowing them to charge their target. Investing feat points increases the damage of the charge attack.
AmbiDextrous 5 2 - Permanently increase the chance to attack with the secondary weapon.
Sever 5 3 - Grants a permanent chance for attacks with the primary weapon to trigger an effect that inflicts slashing damage on your target.
Devastation 1 3 - Increases the chance to inflict critical damage when using a multi-hit started combo.
Smash'n Crush 3 3 - Increases the damage inflicted by multi-hit started combos.
Twist and Tear 5 4 - All attacks with the Barbarian's offhand weapon have a chance of inflicting a bleeding wound that damages the victim for a short time. This effect can be applied 5 times.
Predatory Instincts 3 4 - Grants you a clickable effect that increases your evasion skill and stamina regeneration for a short time.
Gushing Wounds 5 4 - Augments the Cyclone of Steel combo with a chance to inflict a bleeding wound that damages the victim for a short time.
Haste 1 5 - Grants you a clickable ability that increases damage inflicted upon foes and slightly increases your movement speed.
Too Many to Count 1 5 - Grants you a clickable ability that increases damage inflicted based on how many living foes are close to you. Allowed to stack 10 times.
Adrenaline Rush 3 - Grants you a clickable ability that increases the damage inflicted upon your foes, it can only be used when your health is below 40%, and cancels when your health is above 60%
Jagged Weapons 3 6 - Increases the damage inflicted by the Barbarians Jagged Cut combos.
Cyclone of Razors 5 6 - Increases the damage done by the Barbarians Cyclone of Steel Combo.
Spirit of The Panther 3 6 - Grants the Barbarian an ability which increases their chance of inflicting critical damage with the Cyclone of Steel when the Predatory Instincts feat ability is active.
Boiling Blood 2 6 - Increases the damage done by the Barbarians blows while the Savage Rage combo is in effect.
Back in The Fray 1 7 - Grants you a clickable short range charge ability that can be used after you are hit with a knock back.
Unstoppable Berserker 2 7 - Enhances Adrenaline Rush by increasing stamina regeneration.
Shrapnel 5 8 - Improves the Barbarians wreck armor combo by inflicting piercing damage on any enemies nearby the primary target.
Rupture Armor 1 8 - Improves the Wreck combos so they inflict more damage.
Impale 5 8 - Grants the Barbarian an ability so their next attack inflicts significant bleeding wounds with both their weapons.
Dance of Death 1 9 - Grants you a clickable ability that makes all attacks inflict instant damage to all foes in close vicinity.
Armageddon Falls 1 9 - Grants you a clickable ability that for 12 seconds gives you a 100% chance of inflicting your target with an effect that makes him take damage every time he is hit for 3 seconds.

Barbarian -- Barbarian Feats -- Barbarian Combos
