A Vote's Worth
Main Category Aquilonia
Subcategory Wild Lands of Zelata
Quest Starts At Governor Millias
Quest Ends At Governor Millias

Objective/s • Get the Iron-Bound Chest
• Give the Iron-Bound Chest to Millias
• Speak to Keyx
• Speak to Millias
• Speak to Adeonus
• Put the Gold in the Collection Plate
• Speak to Adeonus
• Speak to Millias
• Speak to Ignacio
• Speak to Millias
• Speak to Leoneus
• Speak to Governor Millias

Reward 5200 XP

18 11

Choose one of these:
[Messenger's Boots]
[Messenger's Slippers]
[Messenger's Chain Boots]
Leads To Strongarm Tactics

I. Drowned Coinage[]


  • Get the Iron-Bound Chest

Journal Entry[]

Millias, the ex-governor of Kerkyra has asked me to retrieve his Iron-Bound Chest from a shipwreck just off the docks at Kerkyra.

II. The Governor's Gold[]


  • Give the Iron-Bound Chest to Millias

Journal Entry[]

I have recovered the Iron-Bound Chest from the bottom of the river. I should return the chest to Millias and see what plans he has for the money.

III. The Price of a Merchant[]


  • Speak to Keyx

Journal Entry[]

Millias' plans to use the gold to buy the support of various powerful people throughout Tesso and, using their influence, become the new governor of Tesso. He has asked me to speak with Keyx at the warehouse, who should be amenable.

IV. A New Supporter[]


  • Speak to Millias

Journal Entry[]

Keyx was happy to take Millias' gold in return for his loyalty. I should return to Millias with the good news.

V. The Voice of Mitra[]


  • Speak to Adeonus

Journal Entry[]

Millias wants me to approach the local priest of Mitra, Adeonus. If he can get the priest to support him he will have a very good chance of becoming the next governor of Tesso

VI. A Small Donation[]


  • Put the Gold in the Collection Plate
  • Speak to Adeonus

Journal Entry[]

Adeonus has refused to discuss politics, though he did offer a thinly veiled hint that Mitra looks favorably upon those who donate to the church. I should put Millias' gold in the collection plate and see if Adeonus becomes more tractable.

VII. Tricked by a Trickster[]


  • Speak to Millias

Journal Entry[]

Adeonus cleverly convinced me to donate money to the church of Mitra without promising anything. He refuses to support Millias. I should report this turn of events to the ex-Governor of Kerkrya.

VIII. Taming a Wolf[]


  • Speak to Ignacio

Journal Entry[]

Millias was upset by Adeonus' refusal and he has sent me out with a bribe for Guard Captain Ignacio. Millias doubted that Ignacio would be open to persuasion, but he bade me try anyway.

IX. Vehement Rejection[]


  • Speak to Millias

Journal Entry[]

As predicted, Ignacio was furious at the presumption that he could be bought. He told me to return to Millias with a scathing message.

X. Salt of the Earth[]


  • Speak to Leoneus

Journal Entry[]

Millias has sent me to speak with an outspoken opponent of his known as Leoneus. I am to offer Leoneus gold, just like the others, but Millias claims to have another plan if Leoneus refuses to offer him support.

XI. The Last Rejection[]


  • Speak to Governor Millias

Journal Entry[]

Leoneus rejected Millias' offer and made it quite clear that it did not matter what offer was made, he would never accept. I should return to Millias with this latest rejection.


5200 XP
18 11

Choose one of these:
[Messenger's Boots]
[Messenger's Slippers]
[Messenger's Chain Boots]
