Letter to the King II
Main Category Tortage nighttime
Subcategory City of Tortage Night
Quest Starts At Nadini
Quest Ends At Arias
Minimum Level 10

Objective/s • Talk to Arias
• Get blood from Casilda
• Climb the volcano
• Replace virgin's blood with Casilda's
• Talk to Arias

Reward 5000 xp (total)
[Honor Slippers],
[Honor Shoes], or
[Honor Boots]
Leads To Gaining Strength II

Beginning Letter to the King II[]

Letter to the King II is the same for all classes -- the only difference is the trainer each class must speak to in order to begin the quest. To receive this quest, a character must first have completed, The Awakening II. There are four possible NPCs for starting this quest:

I. The Answer[]


  • Talk to Arias

Journal Entry[]

Nadini says that old Arias needs my help. King Conan has apparently asked much of him, and I should return to his camp near Mithrelle's mansion to see what Conan wants. The last time I met Arias he had a camp in the jungle, over the bridge on the path leading from the Mitra Temple.


  • 1250 xp

II. Blood of a Whore[]


  • Get blood from Casilda

Journal Entry[]

King Conan has ordered the destruction of the Acheronian slave army. Their camps are on the volcano, and if we can make it erupt they will die. Mithrelle holds a ritual tonight to calm the volcano, and I must sabotage it. I need blood from a woman who's slept with many men. Casilda owes me a favor, so I should pay her a visit. She is usually in the Thirsty Dog Inn.


  • 1250 xp

III. For the King[]


  • Climb the volcano
  • Replace virgin's blood with Casilda's

Journal Entry[]

I have Casilda's blood! Now I must fight my way up the Volcano to replace the virgin blood, in the supplies near the location of Mithrelle's ritual. First I must go through the gate behind Mithrelle's mansion. Then I will have to climb the volcano to get to the right place, on the hill side near the entrance area.


  • 1250 xp

IV. Escaping Lava[]


  • Talk to Arias

Journal Entry[]

The volcano is erupting! I must flee this terrible place and talk to Arias.

