Main Storyline[]
Northern Grasslands[]
- Lost in Transition
Chosain Province[]
Gateway to Khitai[]
- Will someone add all this stuff?
Northern Grasslands[]
Faction Quests[]
Brittle Blade[]
- Barbaric Murder
Shadows Of Jade[]
- The Cause
- Wanted!
Children Of Yag Kosha[]
Yellow Priests of Yun[]
- A New Arrangement
- Smell of Putrescence
- Mystery Lotus
Last Legion[]
- Duty of the Legion
- The Executioner
- Thinning the Ranks
Scarlet Circle[]
- Battle of the Quarry
- The Wolf Anthromorph
- Ingredient Hunt
- From Earth to Dust
- An Easy Course
- A Medial Course
- A Hard Course
- Hunting for the Hyrkanians
Wolves of the Steppes[]
Poster Quests[]
- NOTE:All quests are randomly given by a specific poster.
- The Herbalist
- Hair of the Nightrunner
- Underground Pickings
- Heart of the Forest
- Boar Slaughter
- Science of Addiction
- Withered Heroes
- Arachno-Hunt
- The Acorns of Northern Grasslands
- The Magic Lamp
- The Horned Beauty
- Mushrooms for the Hungry
- The Big Hunt
- A Piece of Disease
- An Adder Delicacy
- A Bloody Tail
- Roaming the Steppes
- The Seeds Within
Other Quests[]
Chosain Province[]
Faction Quests[]
Brittle Blade[]
- Bloodshed in the Shadows
- Contract Killer
Shadows Of Jade[]
Children Of Yag Kosha[]
Yellow Priests of Yun[]
- To Catch a Demon
Last Legion[]
- No quests for Last Legion in Chosain Province
Scarlet Circle[]
Tamarin Tigers[]
- Battling For Resources
- Feast of the Dead
Scholars of Cheng Ho[]
Other Quests[]
- Men of a Feather
- Tiger Claws
- Mutilated Vaaghasans of Chosain
- Standing Tiger Orders
- Legions on the Loose
- Return to the Moon Temple
- Contract Killer
- Bloody Bargains
- The Rightful Heir
- The Tiger and the Moon
- Spreading Discontent
- A Lethal Cocktail
- Battlefield of Shaulun
Kara Korum[]
Faction Quests[]
Brittle Blade[]
Shadows Of Jade[]
Children Of Yag Kosha[]
Yellow Priests of Yun[]
Last Legion[]
Scarlet Circle[]
Poster Quests[]
Other Quests[]
- Death from Above
- Protecting the Chaos
- Rattle the Ranks
- Ling-Lai's Blade Hunt
- Into the Wastes
- Keeper of the Corrupted
- Blood of the Strong
Solo Instances[]
The Breach[]
The Forgotten City[]
The Refuge of the Apostate[]
Group Instances[]
Northern Grasslands[]
- Warmonk Monastery
- Reliquery of Flame
- Quest Here
- Vortex of the Storm
- Coppice of the Heart
- Reliquery of Flame
Chosain Province[]
- Mines of Chosain
- Abyss of Kun Whu
- Den of the Crowmen
- The Jade Dugout
Kara Korum[]
- The Crater
- Caverns of Malice
- The Celestial Necropolis
- The Enigmata of Yag
- Feel free to add what information you can about the quests (A few quests are already filled out as examples of the layout - we'll try to keep it uniform across the board).
- If you can't or don't want to do the quest updates yourself, just screenshot your quest journal (prefereably before and after each quest ding / quest update) and send the pics through and we'll do the heavy lifting for you! Send them to conanquests@gmail.com