
By the gods this is a terrible page. Can't anyone clean it up? I would but I don't know the first thing about editting wiki pages. Benjaminedward 10:49, October 1, 2010 (UTC)


(copypasted from the main talk page to continue here by Enervate 10:10, May 27, 2011 (UTC) )

Maybe go -
<Name of Class>
<Quote> "Their God is one of justice..."
<Contents Box>
1. Summary - brief (1 paragraph) of lore, general role (healer, buffer, capable of sizeable DPS)
2. Combos (obviously exclude this for comboless classes)
3. Spells / Abilities
I think the Conclusion can be cut out. When newbies come to these pages, they're generally looking for "what can I do as a ____, what role will I be filling". Answering this clearly, without boxing them in (PoM = heals only) would be helpful. Pinstripesc 00:22, May 27, 2011 (UTC)

Let's use that, also let's add links to the feat trees with short descriptions of what every tree specializes in.

so we'd have:

<Name of Class>
<Quote> "Their God is one of justice..."
<Contents Box>
1. Summary - brief (1 paragraph) of lore, general role (healer, buffer, capable of sizeable DPS)
2. Feat trees
3. Combos (obviously exclude this for comboless classes)
4. Spells / Abilities
5. Links to featplanner, strategy guide, etc.
For the spells section I think a table with all spells and short descriptions would be good, something like this:
Level Spell description cooldown casttime
01 Smite (rank 1) Deals holy damage to a single target. instant 2.5s
Maybe make it collapsable because it could get quite big.
Enervate 10:10, May 27, 2011 (UTC)