
Spell Ranks?[]

Spells are marked with "Ranks," but there is little info on what a rank is, or how to get a better rank of a given spell, or if there is even such a thing. Someone understanding what a "spell rank" is, could you please add a paragraph to this page? AngleWyrm 09:55, 30 July 2008 (UTC)

I added a tiny bit, feel free to expand it some more. I'll even rework the look of this page too I think.
Daworm  talk / cont 11:42, 30 July 2008 (UTC)

Spell Damage Mechanics[]

I saw the "A Challenge to AoC Players" post the other day and thought I'd add some of the findings I had while I played the game which might benefit others. Much might be outdated and plain wrong as I haven't played AoC for a really long time and the data below is pretty much a result of just thinking back about how things worked about a year ago.

Basic spell damage, «D1»

Let's start with the most basic part of spell damage, «D1», without critical hits, with targets with no protection and invulnerabilities.

D1 =Base damage + (Base Damage*Base Damage Modifier) +(Magical Damage*Spell Coeffecient)

Base Damage (BD)

The base damage of a spell, as listed in the tooltip. Often a random number between two limits.

Example: The Base Damage of Smite (Rank 1) is 101-200.

Base Spell Damage Modifier (BSDM)

The coeffecient of extra spell base damage.

Base Spell Damage Modifier is the same as «+x % increase to damage or healing» if that's what the tooltip says. Or it can say «+x Base Spell Damage».

Example: The +5% Base Spell Damage modifier on the spell Smite from 5 points in the Improved Smite feat (1% per point)

Magical Damage (MD)

The extra damage which is multiplied with the Spell Coeffecient, and then applied if its element matches the Attack Rating of the spell.

Exemple: A Priest of Mitra may have 800 Bonus Magical Damage (Holy), which would be applied to spells such as Smite or Rebuke as these have Attack Rating: Holy.

Spell Coeffecient (SC)

This varies from spell to spell. It doesn't show up in any tooltip. With a single target damage spell I believe it usually follows the following formulae: SC=Spell casting time/4.

Example: The spell Smite (Rank 1), which have a casting time of 2.5 seconds, has a SC of 2.5/4=0.625

So, let's take an overall example with these 4 components (BD, BSDM, MD & SC):

Someone playing a Priest of Mitra cast Smite (Rank 1) successfully against a NPC with no protection or invulnerabilities.

The Base Damage ends up being 200.

The Base Spell Damage Modifier is 0.05 from 5 points in the feat Improved Smite.

The Magical Damage (Holy) is 48.

The Spell Coeffecient is 0.625



Adding Magic Damage Modifier, «D2»

Magic Damage Modifier (MDM)

One way of further improving damage would be by getting buffs which give +Magic Damage Modifier, as from fatalities. These give a straight modifier bonus to «D1».

Example: Using the previous example, the Priest of Mitra has just scored a fatality, and thus had the Fatality buff, which gives +20% Magic Damage Modifier.

D2=D1+(D1*+Magic Damage Modifier)



Adding Critical bonus

The damage can be further improved by scoring a crit of. I'll label the extra damage from a critical hit as «CB1»

CB1=D2*(Base Critical Damage+Critical Bonus Damage%)

Base Critical Damage (BCD)

The Base Critical is the critical damage which is applied before any Critical Bonus Damage or Tenacity is applied. It is equal to 0.5*D2.

Example: If the spell in the previous example with a D2 of 236 critted, the Base Critical Damage which would get added would be 118.

Critical Bonus Damage% (CBD%)

This gives a further bonus percentage of the damage of D1.

Exemple: A priest of Mitra has +50% Spell Critical Damage for some spells from 5 points in the feat Overwhelming Light. This brings up the damage from critting with those spells to (0.5+0.55)*D2=1*D2.

Adding Tenacity and Critigation

Against targets with a Critigaton Chance and Critigation Amount the critical damage could be decreased if they succeeded on a critigation roll. The amount decreased would be based on the targets Critigation Amount the spellcaster's Tenacity. I'll label the decreased crit bonus as «CB2»

CB2=CB1*(1-(Critigation Amount%-Tenacity%)), where if the (Critigation-Tenacity) part turns out to be negative it becomes zero.

Critigation Amount % (CA%)

The percentage of crit damage which is migated.

Tenacity % (T%)

Removes an equal amount of CA%. So with a 100 Tenacity% no critical damage can be migated, assuming that the target doesn't have more than 100 CA%.

Thus for a crit which isn't critigated, or where Tenacity% is greater or equal to Critigation Amount%:


If a critical hit is scored, the crit is critigated and (CA%-T%) is between 0 and 1.


If a critical hit is scored, the crit is critigated and (CA%-T%) is greater or equal to one, everything is migated.


Adding other migations...

Before moving on, let's assume the hit was a normal hit, D2. The hit would then have to go through a multiplum of three migations: Damage Deflection, Magic Migation (from Protection) and Invulnerability.

Damage Deflection% (DD%) and Penetration Rating% (PR%)

Each point of Damage Deflection adds 1 to the Damage Deflection% and each point of Penetration Rating bypass one point of Damage Deflection. For example, a Priest with 100 Damage Deflection from Hand of Mitra migates 100 % of incomming damage, unless it is bypassed by someone with Penetration Rating.

D5=D2*(1-(Damage Deflection%-Penetration Rating%))

Magic Migation % (MM%) and Spell Penetration % (SP%)

Protection rating adds to Magic Migation% wich further reduce the damage taken, while each point of Spell Penetration bypass one point of Protection rating.

Just like with Critigation and Deflection, negative Protection Migation % doesn't cause the target to take more damage as far as I know. Thus:

D6=D5*(1-(Magic Migation%-Spell Penetration%))

Invulnerability % (I%)

After going through damage deflection and Magic Migation%, the damage is modified by the invulnerabilities of the target. Unlike Damage Deflection, Critigation, and Protection, this can go into negatives, so the target can take more than 100 % damage. It can also become greater than 100%, causing spells to heal instead of doing damage.


Note that it doesn't matter which order these three migations are applied as they are just multiplied by eachother:

D8=D2*(1-(Damage Deflection-Penetration Rating))*(1-(Magic Migation%-Spell Penetration%))*(1-Invulnerability%)

Wrapping it up

Assuming (DD%-PR%) and (MM%-SP%) ranging from 0 to 1, we have:

Noncrit, or critigated crit with CA % greater or equal to T%:


Crit, not critigated, or T% greater or equal to CA%


Crit, critigated, (T%-CA%) between 0 and 1



I don't know how the conversion from Protection Rating, Critigation Rating, etc actually convert into magic migation, so I just wrote "Magic Migation" and "Critigation Amount" to keep the terms apart. Apart from that I hope alle the %s I threw around caused confusion, you'll probably want to remove them and find some better wording.

I believe the easiest way to find SC for spells with varying base damage is to enter spellweaving to get the "Arcane Surge" buff which makes alle spells do maximum damage.
