
The going grew rougher, the scenery more rugged, steep grassy slopes pitching up to densely timbered mountainsides.

Without a word she led the way, the great wolf trotting at her side, the eagle soaring above her. Through deep thickets and along tortuous ledges poised over deep ravines she led him, and finally along a narrow precipice-edged path to a curious dwelling of stone, half hut, half cavern, beneath a cliff hidden among the gorges and crags. The eagle flew to the pinnacle of this cliff, and perched there like a motionless sentinel.

Robert E. Howard, "The Hour of the Dragon"

Nestled in a valley and sheltered from the harsh winters of the region, the Wild Lands exemplify Aquilonia’s untamed eastern frontier. It's a place for people with the desire to start afresh, to begin anew—to establish a life away from the bustling metropolis of Tarantia or any of Aquilonia’s other majestic, chaotic cities.

Settlements are built, spreading slowly in the wilderness, protected by hunters or occasional patrols of soldiers who fend off both the wild beasts of the northern forests and the bandit groups which plague so much of Hyboria. Another source of conflict arises from the Nemedian border to the east; the location of the Wild Lands makes them an infrequent battleground for clashes between King Conan’s men and the soldiers from Aquilonia’s rival nation.

In recent months, the Wild Lands have fallen under the shadow of a new threat—one which spells the death of Aquilonian settlement in the region if the danger is not quashed. Creatures known locally as the Dark Beasts prowl the wilderness beyond the edges of each settlement, slaughtering those who walk into the wilds. Some villages have already fallen prey to mass attacks from these feral, razor-clawed creatures. The small hamlet of Tesso now shields a growing refugee population, drawing survivors from the villages shattered in the wake of the Dark Beasts and their hunts.

Zelata, a witch who once counselled King Conan himself, lives in the Wild Lands away from civilization. She is a mysterious figure to the people of the region, unknown to many and mistrusted by the few who are aware of her existence. Her powers set Zelata apart from others and vilify her in the minds of those who need a scapegoat for the region’s troubles. Now, as Nemedian soldiers press south and the Dark Beasts slaughter whole villages, this ostracized witch-woman finds herself hated by many who believer her responsible for the problems they face.

Resurrection Points[]

Wild Lands of Zelata has the following resurrection points:

  • The Outcast Camp (255,1354)
  • Kerkyra (225, 213)
  • Tesso (244,676)
  • Corvo Outskirts (553,373)
  • Wild Hills (643,643)
  • Acheronian Stronghold (991, 625)
  • Wild Plains (979,1312)
  • Wild Valley (1081,976)

Quests starting in Wild Lands of Zelata[]

(lvl)Quest name Steps in this zone Other zones involved Startup action / prerequisites
(22) The Fisherman's Dilemma I + II - Talk to Stolos
(22) Foundations of Trust I + II + III - Talk to Dockmaster Antonius
(22) Thick Heads and Strong Axes I + II - Talk to Trathanus
(22) The Lost Heirlooms of Kerkyra I + II - Talk to Nestus
(22) A Vote's Worth I + II + III + IV + V + VI + VII + VIII + IX + X + XI - Talk to Governor Millias
(22) Octavia's Fate I + II - Talk to Luciano
(22) What Creeps Beneath III + IV Talk to Keyx
(22) Unfinished Business I + II - Talk to Keyx
(22) Fangs of the Ferocious I + II - Talk to Pero
(22) Mitra's Children I + II - Talk to Adeonus
(22) Demicus and Naboth - Talk to Demicus
(22) Searching for Answers I + II - Talk to Demicus
(22) The Beaten Apprentice I + II - Talk to Oris the Apprentice
(22) Protecting the Flock I + II - Talk to Captain Ignacio
(23) Seeds of Desire I + II - Talk to Oris the Apprentice after completing (22) The Beaten Apprentice
(23) Illuminating the Darkness I + II + III - Talk to Captain Ignacio after completing (22) Protecting the Flock
(23) The Huntress I + II + III - Talk to Captain Ignacio after completing (23) Illuminating the Darkness
(23) Sense of Fashion II Talk to Varia the Seamstress
(23) Oris' Overture II Talk to Oris the Apprentice afer completing (23) Seeds of Desire
(24) The Spider Queen's Lair II Talk to Oris the Apprentice
(24) The Demon in the Tree I + II + III + IV + V + VI - Talk to Adeonus after completing (22) Thick Heads and Strong Axes
(24) Demicus' Experiment I + II - Talk to Demicus after completing (22) Searching for Answers
(24) A Refugee's Tale I + II + III + IV + V - Talk to Governor Myrtilos
(25) The Spirit's Lament I + III Talk to Weary Spirit
(25) Dark Beast Repellant I + II - Talk to Demicus after completing (24) Demicus' Experiment
(25) The Albino Dark Beast I + II Talk to Dorina after completing (23) The Huntress
(26) The Last Hero II Talk to Phaedra
(26) Treachery and Deception I + II + III + IV - Talk to Luciano after completing (22) Octavia's Fate
(26) Strongarm Tactics I + II + III + IV - Talk to Governor Millias after completing (22) A Vote's Worth
(26) Kaylee's Bastard I + II + III + IV - Talk to Derat
(26) The Northern Pass I + II - Talk to Northern Pass Guard
(26) Old Secrets V Talk to Keyx after completing (22) What Creeps Beneath
(26) The Wounded Child I + II - Talk to Aexelus
(26) Gift from a Stranger I + II - Talk to Manto
(26) The Party II Talk to Governor Millias after completing (26) Strongarm Tactics
(28) The Lost Regiment I a Talk to Commander Drusco
(28) A Matter of Pride I + II - Talk to Captain Ignacio
(28) Traitorous Dogs II Talk to Balthas
(28) Prove Your Worth I + II - Talk to Zelata
(28) The Witch's Brew I + II + III - Talk to Zelata after completing (28) Prove your Worth
(29) The New Threat I + II + III + IV - Talk to Governor Myrtilos after completing (22) What Creeps Beneath & (24) A Refugee's Tale
(29) Herbal Vitality II Talk to Teltus the Alchemist
(29) The Nemedian Incursion III Talk to Captain Ignacio after completing (29) The New Threat
(30) The Battle of Corvo I + II + III + IV + V - Talk to Governor Myrtilos after completing (29) The Nemedian Incursion
(31) By Duty Torn - Talk to Commander Drusco
(38) Rusty Courage *** II Talk to Maxus the Drunk
(38) The Fearless Father I + II + III + IV - Talk to Ilona
(38) Devil's Pass I + II + V Talk to Athero
(38) Liniment of Pulchritude I + II + III + IV - Talk to Juverna
(38) Dangerous Ambitions I + II - Talk to Juverna
(38) Tainted Beddings I + II - Talk to Septus
(38) Disquiet Dreams I + II - Talk to Reburrus
(38) Tearing the Veil *** II Talk to Zelata
(38) Immortal Acheron *** II Talk to Zelata
(38) The Curse of Flies I - Talk to Ur-Emmet
(38) The Weakest Link *** II Talk to Ur-Emmet after completing (38) The Curse of Flies
A Father's Revenge II Talk to Derat after completing (26) Kaylee's Bastard
Fetching Fungi II Talk to Teltus the Alchemist after completing (29) Herbal Vitality
Lifting the Curse - Talk to Zelata after completing The Cursed Scroll
The darkest Nightmare I + II - Talk to Reburrus

Quests involving Wild Lands of Zelata[]


Name Location Role(s)
Adeonus (292.6, 778.6)
Aexelus (276.7, 1361.0)
Appia (287.3, 683.6)
  • Potion merchant
Aritus (178.4, 1406.1)
Athero (233.3, 1359.4)
  • Gives the quest (38) Devil's Pass
Balthas (814.4, 182.8)
  • Gives the quest (28) Traitorous Dogs
Brother Juno (233.5, 640.7)
Captain Ignacio (299.0, 664.9)
Captain Pellorus (120.1, 690.6)
Cariste (238.2, 639.0)
Cauda (1000.6, 627.6)
  • Involved in quest (38) The Fearless Father
Commander Drusco (232.5, 698.0)
  • Gives the quest (28) The Lost Regiment
  • Involved in quest (28) The King's Headache
  • Involved in quest A Triumphant Return (starting in Border Range)
Darran (311.1, 726.1)
Demicus (301.1, 735.6)
Derat (289.1, 734.7)
Dockmaster Antonius (140.4, 688.3)
Dolonus (361.7, 199.0)
Dorina (557.0, 693.4)
Egidio (139.3, 730.6)
Governor Millias (229.4, 642.9)
Governor Myrtilos (307.8, 726.0)
Ilona (329.9, 761.0)
  • Gives the quest (38) The Fearless Father
Inisa (272.5, 647.5)
  • Armor Merchant
Innkeeper (310.5, 722.3)
Juverna (249.9, 1356.9)
  • Gives the quest (38) Liniment of Pulchritude
  • Gives the quest (38) Dangerous Ambitions
  • Involved in quest (26) The Wounded Child
Juvis (278.2, 727.4)
Kaylee (297.5, 772.9)
Keyx (235.9, 732.0)
Leonus the Farmer (242.9, 639.5)
Luciano (264.3, 705.5)
Manto (231.2, 1371.8)
Marca (298.8, 672.8)
  • Food and Drink Merchant
Maxus the Drunk (304.4, 735.0)
Nelia (283.8, 712.5)
Nestus (252.9, 644.0)
  • Gives the quest (22) The Lost Heirloom of Kerkyra
Norhern Pass Guard (260.1, 775.4)
Oris the Apprentice (274.8, 683.1)
Pelinthus (849.3, 1272.0)
Pero (276.8, 780.3)
Phaedra (707.2, 651.6)
Reburrus (228.8, 1384.7)
  • Gives the quest (38) Disquiet Dreams
  • Gives the quest The Darkest Nightmare
Senecus (1212.5, 535.5)
Septus (274.1, 1389.4)
  • Gives the quest (38) Tainted Beddings
Sergio (347.5, 773.4)
Stolos (116.7, 740.7)
  • Gives the quest (22) The Fisherman's Dilemma
Teltus the Alchemist (289.4, 686.9)
Trathanus (249.0, 637.5)
Ur-Emmet (908.5, 621.6)
Varia the Seamstress (285.6, 652.5)
Veris (282.9, 636.1)
  • Weapon Merchant
Viterion (178.7, 1402.9)
Weary Spirit (95.6, 1100.4)
Zelata (520.4, 52.0)


  • Diseased Bear
  • Dark Beast

Zelata Media Files[]

