
Zamboula lies amidst a ring of oases. The city was founded by the armies of Stygia, originally as a small trading settlement. The trading caravans pass through from the east to the west, and back again, which has brought riches to the city. It was stolen from the Stygians by the Turanians, and is now Turans westermost outpost, ruled by a Turanian satrap.


The city has a population of Darfari slaves. The Darfari are cannibals, who prowl the streets of Zamboula at night looking for human prey. The local citizens know to stay indoors after dark and don't care much for the occasional stranger who passes through, allowing their slaves to prey upon these foreigners.

The population don't do much in preventing the Darfari slaves from preying on foreigners. The vast number of slaves in the city pervents the higher ranked population from stopping them in fear of a revolt.
